RFK, Jr. Has A Year To Run As An Independent

The Messenger reports:

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” is a philosophical question long attributed to George Berkeley. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. may be paraphrasing that question for at least two valid but frustrating reasons: “If a potentially historic campaign is announced and no one is around to record it, does it make an impact?”

This past Tuesday, at Independence Mall in front of thousands of people at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, RFK, Jr. gave a speech that declared his independence from both major political parties and confirmed his intent to run as an independent candidate for president in 2024. Choosing to do so next to the site where our Founding Fathers declared independence from the British Crown on July 4, 1776, was more than just symbolic for Kennedy — it was the most daring and important statement of his life.

With the announcement, he embarked upon a quest to fell two deeply-rooted but decaying trees: the Democratic and Republican parties. Rhetorically, he hit all the right notes. But how many beyond those who were present heard his call to break free from the shackles of the entrenched and calcified parties to start anew?

Some in the mainstream media appear to have made a calculated decision to ignore RFK’s campaign; Kennedy himself has said this about certain media outlets. His is a campaign that is newsworthy in part because, as reported by Politico and others, recent polling shows Kennedy could be “the most formidable independent candidate since Ross Perot” in 1992, who received 18.9% of the popular vote.


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