South Bend, IN
Fri, 05:00 PM EST

Indiana Ballot Access Training

As soon as Mr. Kennedy announces a vice-president, we need to be ready to collect the almost 40,000 signatures in Indiana. You can access the training I created for collecting signatures specific to Indiana at any time here: https://classroom.google.com/c/NjY2NzM4ODgzOTA5?cjc=al3pvxh 

Plan 1-3 hours to complete it. I will keep renewing this event because the link can be accessed whenever you want to do it. There is no need to RSVP. Just click the link and get started. If the class fills, I will update with another link. I will try to always be online at the posted time to answer questions.


March 08, 2024

Fri, 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST


Google Classroom

South Bend, IN 46530
United States
Google Maps and Directions


Jennifer Reinoehl