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Inside the campaign: Communications Briefing with Del Bigtree


Inside the Campaign: Communications Briefing with Del Bigtree

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Get to know Del Bigtree, our communications director and one of the preeminent voices of the Health Freedom Movement in a virtual one on one meeting. He is the founder and CEO of the non-profit, Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), and host of the internet talk show, boasting over 200 million views world-wide.

His multi-pronged approach incorporates legal, legislative, and media actions to expose the fraud, lies, and conflicts of interest that have allowed US regulatory agencies to collude with industry power brokers to evade standardized safety testing on products including vaccines, drugs, food, drinking water, and 5G. On behalf of American citizens, Del’s non-profit, ICAN, has submitted over 1000 Freedom Of Information Requests (FOIA) and has won multiple lawsuits against government agencies including HHS, NIH, FDA and the CDC.

Most notable are the FDA case that forced the release of Pfizer’s Covid Vaccine trial data which the FDA had attempted to hide for 75 years, the FDA case that forced the release of Moderna's Covid Vaccine trial data, the CDC case that forced the release of the CDC’s V-Safe Covid Vaccine Injury data, the Washington DC case that ended the Minor Consent for Vaccine Law that coerced children into being vaccinated without parental approval, and the State of Mississippi Case which resulted in the return of the Religious Exemption from Vaccination which had been denied for over 30 years.

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