Stop 'N Sign: NJ registered voters please stop by & sign a petition to put RFK Jr. on the ballot.
For easier signing and extra accuracy, please take a screenshot of your voter registration info.
All are welcome; especially libertarians and liberals!
What do you think about Kennedy and Trump as guests at the LP Convention?
Will Trump chicken out of RFK debate challenge?
Do we still want to see Bobby winning the LP nomination?
Exciting having two libertarian POTUS candidates on the ballot in NJ, right?
Which of RFK's policies are your personal favorites?
Panera Bread, 1680 US-22, Watchung, NJ 07069
After 8PM we may move to a cozier venue nearby if there is still an appetite for group discussion!
This is a Supporter created event and is not associated with the RFK Jr. campaign. RFK Jr. will not be in attendance and any money collected is for the campaign.