If you are reading this page, it is probably because you created a monthly recurring donation and would like to manage it.
If so, you're in the right place.
Below you will find instructions on the steps you need to take to:
- edit the amount of your monthly donation
- change the credit card
- cancel the recurring donation altogether
To manage your recurring donation, you must log in to the mahanow.org (previously kennedy24.com) website. You will need to supply an email and password.
If you don't remember your password - no worries - we have instructions for what to do. See section 2 below.
1. You Created a Password for the Kennedy24.com (now mahanow.org) Website and Remember What It Is
Kudos to you for being so organized. After reading all the instructions below, click on the blue "Manage Recurring Donations" button.
If you're not already logged into the mahanow.org website, you'll be asked to do so.
Make sure when logging in you use the same email address you used when you made the recurring donation.
Sometimes, our supporters have created multiple accounts with different email addresses. If you log in using a different email address than the one associated with the recurring donation, you won't be able to see or manage your recurring donations.
The correct email to use is the one where receipts for your recurring donations to Team Kennedy are sent.
Once you've logged in, you should see a page called "Your payments to Team Kennedy" with a "Next Donation" date column on the right hand side.
Click on the > symbol on the far right edge of the screen next to the date of the next donation. (Indicated by the red circle in the image below.)
If you're on your cell phone, you may need to rotate the screen to the horizontal orientation so you can see the far right edge of the screen.
You'll see options for managing your recurring donation there, including changing the amount, the credit card, and canceling the donation altogether.
Click on the button below to proceed.
(If you're not already logged in, you'll be asked for your email and password. If you're on your cell phone, you'll need to scroll down until you see the blue "LOGIN HERE" button.)
Manage Recurring Donations
2. You're Sure You Created a Password But Can't Remember What It Is
You Never Created a Password
You Can't Remember Whether You Created a Password
No worries - happens all the time. All you need to do is to reset your password.
- Note: It may seem strange to "change" your password if you never created one in the first place, but, that's the way to go.
Here are detailed instructions. Please carefully read all the instructions below before clicking on anything.
- Click or tap on the blue Manage Recurring Donations button above.
- On the resulting page, click or tap on the blue button "LOGIN HERE"
- Find the red link labeled "Forgot password?" and click or tap on it.
- Enter the email you used when you made the recurring donation. (IMPORTANT: You must use the same email address you used for the recurring donation. It will be the email address to which receipts for your recurring donations are sent.)
- Click or tap on the red "Continue" button.
- You should see a message telling you to check your email
- Go to your email inbox and look for an email sent from [email protected] with the subject line: Change your password
- Find the link in the email to confirm the password change and click it.
- You should be taken to a page inviting you to Change Your Password
- Create a new password. Note the instructions about the password requirements.
- Write down your new password.
- Click or tap the red Reset Password button
- You should see a notification "Your password has been changed successfully."
- Go back to the email you got from us that has the link to this page (i.e. Instructions for Managing Recurring Donations)
- Click on the link in that email to get back to this page
- Follow the instructions for 1. You Created a Password for the Kennedy24.com (now mahanow.org) Website and Remember What It Is