Grass Valley , CA
Sun, 10:00 AM PDT

Navigating Challenging Communication

What happens when we are met with misperceptions, push backs, negativity regarding RFK Jr as we are out campaigning on his behalf? We will have a Zoom Meeting, Sunday, March 10 from 10-11:30 am where Aida Baker LMFT will be present how to be more mindful in our communication in situations that we experience as challenging.
We will learn to seek understanding and connection, remain curious, compassionate and aware of of our needs and fears, notice our assumptions and judgements while becoming aware of our limitations and boundaries as we navigate challenging communication.
We will be reviewing of ‘A Window of Tolerance’ as well as an ‘Iceberg of Emotion chart’ to help deepen our understanding. There will be an opportunity for role playing and practicing what we learn at the end of our session. 
Our goal is to help better prepare us to meet some of the push back/misperceptions/negativity that we may meet while sharing about RFK Jr and to foster connection, rather than division in our communications.
Lynn Ely is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Navigating Challenging Communications
Time: Mar 10, 2024 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 833 2429 9927
Passcode: 679251
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Meeting ID: 833 2429 9927
Passcode: 679251
Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kb7NN0Mxh5


March 10, 2024

Sun, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM PDT


Navigating Challenging Communication

Grass Valley , CA 95945
United States
Google Maps and Directions


Lynn Ely