Campaign Coverage

Apr 03, 2024

News Coverage

RFK Jr. Isn’t A Spoiler, But He Could Be A Winner

Herald.Net Reports: At a time when Democrats dismiss MAGA voters as gullible and angry and Republicans see progressives as enemies of law and order, independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has called for comity. “We need to start listening to each other, even when it’s difficult,” Kennedy told supporters Tuesday. “We need to sift through the anger,” Kennedy added. The occasion was Kennedy’s announcement that his running mate would be Nicole Shanahan, a patent attorney and philanthropist who once was married to Google co-founder Sergey Brin. So she has deep pockets. Kennedy, 70, boasted that he chose Shanahan, 38, because she breaks the mold. She is young. She has never run for office. She shares Kennedy’s skepticism about covid lockdowns and vaccines. Like Kennedy, she’s a surfer. Both former Democrats claim that they didn’t leave the party; the Democratic Party left them. Read the full opinion piece here.   If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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Apr 01, 2024

News Coverage

RFK Jr Says He Meets Ballot Threshold In Another Key Battleground State

Fox News Reports: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s campaign says the independent presidential candidate has moved a step closer to his goal of getting on the ballot in all 50 states. The campaign of the longtime environmental activist and high-profile vaccine skeptic, who is the scion of the nation's most storied political dynasty, on Monday announced that it had collected the necessary number of signatures to put "Bobby on the Ballot" in North Carolina. More than 23,000 signatures were collected through the new political party "We The People," officials with the campaign said. "We The People" was formed in January by supporters of Kennedy to get him on the ballot in six states, including North Carolina — a crucial battleground. Read the full article here.   If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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Mar 28, 2024

News Coverage

RFK Jr. Laps 2024 Presidential Field On TikTok

Axios Reports: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has quietly built up a formidable social media presence, especially on TikTok. Why it matters: His strong following on TikTok — an app that has exploded in popularity among young people — could give him extra exposure among this key voter demographic ahead of November. By the numbers: With 1.1 million TikTok followers, Kennedy has the most of any U.S. politician, according to the political newsletter FWIW, which tracks digital spending and strategy. Read the full article here.   If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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Mar 28, 2024

News Coverage

RFK Jr. Is Poised To Be A Chaos Factor In November

CNN Reports: In a normal presidential election year, an anti-system third-party candidate like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. would not be polling at nearly 10% at this point in the cycle. But this is not a normal year. This is an election year ripe for an anti-establishment candidate to create significant uncertainty — and potentially stir some even bigger changes to the US party system. With the announcement of his running mate, Silicon Valley attorney and entrepreneur Nicole Shanahan, Kennedy’s campaign will expand its ballot access. Assuming President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump officially receive the party nominations they have now clinched, the stage is set for a general election that could have the lowest combined approval rating for major party candidates ever (or at least in the history of polling). Both Biden and Trump have approval ratings stuck in the 40s, where they have been for years. It has echoes of 2016 when former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Trump broke records for the highest unfavorability ratings of any two candidates on Election Day. On the surface, this double dislike seems puzzling: Shouldn’t one of the two parties have figured out how to elevate a more popular general election candidate? Perhaps. But something else is weird about this moment. In a December 2023 Gallup poll, not a single top US government official tested had a job approval rating over 50% — and Kennedy bucks this trend. Kennedy is the only presidential candidate with a net favorable rating. Read the full opinion piece here.   If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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Mar 27, 2024

News Coverage

Biden And Trump Know Kennedy’s VP Choice Is A Game Changer

The Hill Reports: There is nothing remotely normal or conventional about this presidential election. Alice in Wonderland would feel right at home bouncing about between the fantastical issues plaguing the Biden and Trump campaigns. For the current president, voters worry about Biden’s age, perceived cognitive issues, his son Hunter’s legal and perception problems, growing policy failures, and a country and world going more sideways by the day. For the previous president, it’s hard for some voters to unsee the FBI raid on Trump’s home in Florida, his mug shot, multiple indictments by Democratic prosecutors and district attorneys, trial dates and the greater “lawfare” campaign being purposefully amplified by some in the media.  With that as background, it is no surprise that approximately 70 percent of voters indicate they do not want Biden or Trump as their next president. Enter — stage middle — Robert F. Kennedy Jr.  RFK Jr. has a higher favorability rating than both Biden and Trump. He is also the favorite of voters under 35 years old, as well as independents, and is gaining rapidly among minorities — three constituencies that Kennedy now has a chance to grow substantially thanks to his selection yesterday of Nicole Shanahan as his running mate. The 38-year-old Shanahan has a remarkable life story. She grew up on welfare, is Asian American, a lawyer, the California-based founder and president of Bia-Echo Foundation — a nonprofit that issues grants for issues including reproductive rights, equality, criminal justice reform and the environment — is a single mother to a daughter with autism and is the former wife of Google cofounder Sergey Brin. Read the full article here.   If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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Mar 26, 2024

News Coverage

RFK Jr.’s Supporters Say Why They Are Supporting Him

CNN Reports: CNN's Gary Tuchman speaks with Virginia Beach supporters of Robert Kennedy Jr., discussing why they plan to vote for him in the 2024 presidential election. If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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Mar 26, 2024

News Coverage

Nicole Shanahan Tells Newsweek Why She's Running With RFK Jr.

Newsweek Reports: Nicole Shanahan, a patent attorney specializing in technology and the former wife of Google founder Sergey Brin, has been named Robert F. Kennedy Jr's. vice presidential running mate. "I want somebody who will look out for young people and not treat them as if they're invisible," Kennedy said in an interview with Newsweek. "She's just 38 years old; she comes from technology and understands social media." Kennedy made the announcement Tuesday at an event in Oakland, where Shanahan grew up in poverty with her mother, who emigrated from China, and her father, who had a substance abuse problem and suffered from mental disorders. Shanahan, a lifelong Democrat, told Newsweek she has grown disillusioned with the party over what she sees as a lack of progress on environmental issues and children's health, and because it has helped to rack up a $34 trillion national debt and has no strategy to secure the southern border. Read the full article here.   If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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Mar 26, 2024

News Coverage

RFK, Jr. Names Tech Lawyer Nicole Shanahan As Vice-Presidential Pick

The Washington Post Reports: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. announced Tuesday that tech lawyer and megadonor Nicole Shanahan would join his independent presidential ticket as his running mate, a move that would provide Kennedy with more ballot access as he pursues his long-shot bid for the White House. Kennedy, 70, announced his pick in her California hometown, miles from the hub of the technology industry. Shanahan, 38, has grown to prominence as a Bay Area lawyer with deep Silicon Valley ties and was previously married to billionaire Google co-founder Sergey Brin. “I need someone with a spiritual dimension and compassion and idealism and, above all, a deep love for the United States of America,” Kennedy said. “I found all of those qualities in a woman who grew up right here in Oakland, daughter of immigrants who overcame every daunting obstacle and went on to achieve the highest ideals of the American Dream.” Read the full article here.   If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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Mar 25, 2024

News Coverage

RFK Jr.’s Campaign Prepares for a Pivotal Moment

Time Magazine Reports: In 2024, there’s nothing like the Kennedy campaign—a bizarre, freewheeling effort that has capitalized on broad dissatisfaction with both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. Kennedy often polls in double digits, positioning him as potentially the most popular third-party candidate since Ross Perot in 1992—if he can manage to qualify for key state ballots. In a Wall Street Journal poll in December, almost 1 in 5 Americans said they would vote for a third-party candidate in 2024. "The one thing everyone in America can agree on is that they don't want this rematch between Trump and Biden," says Amaryllis Fox Kennedy, the candidate’s daughter-in-law, who took over as campaign manager last October, days after he abandoned his bid for the Democratic nomination to run as an independent. Read the full article here. If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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Mar 24, 2024

News Coverage

RFK Jr. Is Activating a Whole New Kind Of Political Donor

Politico Reports: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s independent presidential bid is largely powered by a wave of new donors who aren’t political — or at least haven’t been in years. Kennedy’s deep ties with anti-vaccine and environmental activism coupled with his campaign’s dedication to new media is engaging people like Michelle Frank, a yoga studio owner who is not registered to vote but has already chipped a few hundred dollars to Kennedy’s campaign. “I haven’t voted in about over 15 to 20 years, actually,” Frank told POLITICO. After hearing Kennedy on a podcast, Frank hosted an aerial yoga class for local Kennedy supporters at her studio outside of Austin, Texas, attracting a small group of fellow political neophytes. She said one attendee came to the event because of the Super Bowl ad, paid for by the super PAC American Values 2024, that aired the week before. “Knowing that he has this great, this most pure intention like his uncle and his dad did. I feel like the purity and the intention is really what drew me to him,” she said. Irregular and first-time voters can help decide elections. They helped propel Trump to victory in 2016. And interviews with some of Kennedy’s recent backers reveal an electorate that’s both newly engaged with politics and turned off by a rematch between President Biden and former President Donald Trump. Read the full article here. If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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Mar 23, 2024

News Coverage

Why Are the Democrats Suddenly So Petrified of RFK Jr.?

Featured in The Hill: The Biden White House and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) — which some believe to be the enforcement arm of the Biden White House — have been aware of the presidential campaign of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for some time. First, since April 2023, when he announced his run for president in Boston as a Democrat challenging the incumbent. Next, with his switch to an independent candidate on Oct. 9, 2023, at Independence Hall in Philadelphia. While aware of him, much of the Biden and DNC gameplan seemed to be either an attempt to ignore his budding candidacy or mock it in passing while falsely smearing Kennedy when possible. Now — and quite suddenly — that gameplan seems to have morphed into full attack mode against RFK Jr. Why? Team Biden and the DNC realize that the president seems to be losing more ground by the week. More than that, they also understand that presidential elections are won by shaving an eighth of a percent off of one district, a quarter of a percent off of one county and half of a percent off of one major city. To them, Kennedy’s razor surely appears to be getting larger and sharper by the day. Read the full op-ed here. If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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