Because RFK Jr was unjustly denied Secret Service protection for so long, his campaign went into the red to provide him physical security. Now we need to retire that debt. Please contribute as much as you can today to help us close this vulnerability and give Bobby peace of mind.
Robert F Kennedy, Jr.: The Independent Challenging Biden and Trump
The Herald reports: For the first time in decades, an independent is posing a threat to the Democratic and Republican candidates during a US election campaign. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is gaining momentum - for a reason. Having scored an endorsement from a former top Clinton aide, he is averaging 16.7% in recent polling data from RealClearPolitics- surpassing the threshold to qualify for the presidential debates. A worrying idea for the other widely predicted contenders, Biden and Trump, who will go untested having so far both failed to participate in their parties’ primary debates. A New York Times/ Siena College poll has also suggested Kennedy is winning outright in key states with voters aged under 45. A vital factor in these polling results with the young is likely Kennedy’s background as a prominent environmental lawyer. During this career he spent 33 years with Riverkeeper, an organisation dedicated to reducing river pollution and ensuring clean drinking water. Stemming from this work he was named as one of Time Magazine’s “heroes of the planet”. This passion truly shines through in his campaign which has stated that it will incentivise clean energy, protect wild land from over development, and work with farmers to challenge pollution. Similar to the approach of the governing party here in Scotland, Kennedy’s campaign manifesto has pledged to “forge agreements with other countries” in order to fulfill these environmental policies. Read the full article here. If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.