Campaign Coverage

Nov 26, 2023

News Coverage

Robert F Kennedy, Jr.: The Independent Challenging Biden and Trump

The Herald reports: For the first time in decades, an independent is posing a threat to the Democratic and Republican candidates during a US election campaign. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is gaining momentum - for a reason. Having scored an endorsement from a former top Clinton aide, he is averaging 16.7% in recent polling data from RealClearPolitics- surpassing the threshold to qualify for the presidential debates. A worrying idea for the other widely predicted contenders, Biden and Trump, who will go untested having so far both failed to participate in their parties’ primary debates. A New York Times/ Siena College poll has also suggested Kennedy is winning outright in key states with voters aged under 45. A vital factor in these polling results with the young is likely Kennedy’s background as a prominent environmental lawyer. During this career he spent 33 years with Riverkeeper, an organisation dedicated to reducing river pollution and ensuring clean drinking water. Stemming from this work he was named as one of Time Magazine’s “heroes of the planet”. This passion truly shines through in his campaign which has stated that it will incentivise clean energy, protect wild land from over development, and work with farmers to challenge pollution. Similar to the approach of the governing party here in Scotland, Kennedy’s campaign manifesto has pledged to “forge agreements with other countries” in order to fulfill these environmental policies. Read the full article here. If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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Nov 25, 2023

News Coverage

RFK Jr. To Visit Utah As He Eyes Path to 2024 Nomination

The Washington Examiner reports: Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. announced his plans to visit Utah in the coming week. Kennedy launched his campaign as a Democrat initially but switched to be an independent candidate last month. His team is in the process of collecting signatures from states in order to appear on the 2024 ballot. The next rally that he will attend will be in Salt Lake City on Nov. 30. Utah has 574,075 registered unaffiliated voters, which has steadily increased year over year. Over 100,000 of them are reportedly inactive as they have not voted in at least two consecutive general elections. The number of unaffiliated voters is more than double the number of Democratic voters and over half of the Republican voters. During the 2022 election, the state's Democratic Party opted not to put forth its own candidate against Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) but instead endorsed independent candidate Evan McMullin, who was unsuccessful in unseating Lee. The party's former candidate against Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) in 2018, Jenny Wilson, is now the Salt Lake County mayor, where Kennedy is slated to visit. Read the full article here. If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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Nov 22, 2023

News Coverage

RFK Jr. Stumps in Ojai: ‘It Is Possible To Limit Corporate Influence’

Ojai Valley News reports: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an environmental lawyer running as an unaffiliated independent candidate for president in the 2024 election, spoke on Nov. 19 to a group of 300 supporters as part of a campaign-fundraising event at a private residence in Ojai. One of the hosts, Ojai resident and local business owner Bill Moses, responded by email to the Ojai Valley News about what had motivated him to support the event: “I wanted to hear for myself, live and unedited, RFK Jr. speak. I resonate with RFK Jr.’s concern on the corporate capture of government agencies that are meant to advocate for us. Our nation was threatened by the Jan. 6th Capitol attack and by those who deny election results. Another threat to our nation is how corporate capture is hurting our economy, environment, political system and our people.” Kennedy spoke outdoors under a coast oak tree at the Casa Barranca property. He touched on his polling numbers, the uncertain future of the next generation, housing, inflation, national and consumer debt, regulatory agency capture by corporations, the costs of war and pollution, health, and the environment. He discussed the upward shift of wealth, his legal achievements and personal philosophy of life. He said: “When my uncle was president, the U.S. owned half the wealth in the world. We made everything and everybody wanted it. ...We were the richest nation in history. This is the first generation in history that is going to be worse off than their parents and they know it.” Read the full article here If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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Nov 22, 2023

News Coverage

JFK's Assassination Cut Short My Uncle’s Vision but We Must Revive It, Not Forget It

Featured on President John F. Kennedy’s assassination 60 years ago on November 22, left an indelible scar on the American psyche that transcended my family’s loss of an uncle, brother, husband, and father. That national trauma robbed us of something else that day. With him died a vision for our country that we may yet bring back to life. True, much of his legacy — such as his championship of civil rights, desegregation, and the space program — remains with us today, but America has abandoned the goal and vision that he prized most highly: the vision of America as a peaceful nation. John F. Kennedy defied pressure from his cabinet, the CIA, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff to go to war in Laos in 1961, Berlin in 1962, to invade Cuba after the Bay of Pigs debacle, and nineteen months later to bomb Russian missile batteries during the Cuban missile crisis. His advisors assured him that the launchpads were not yet operational. They were wrong, and his defiance quite likely saved the world from nuclear Armageddon. Today our nation staggers under a $33 trillion debt burden, much of it the result of military spending. The post-9/11 regime-change wars of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria wasted around $8 trillion and left those countries worse off than we found them. Eight hundred military bases around the world consume trillions more. Imagine what could have been, if we’d devoted those resources toward education, infrastructure, poverty, health, or the environment. We would be, paradoxically, a stronger and more secure nation. It is not too late to step off the war path and onto the peace path that John F. Kennedy envisioned for our nation. Even in its current state of neglect, America is blessed with the world’s largest GDP, abundant natural resources, and an inventive and enterprising population. We can recover the broad prosperity, the thriving middle class, and the sense of optimism and national self-worth of the post-WWII era. All that can be ours if we turn our energies toward peace. Read Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s full op-ed here. If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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Nov 21, 2023

News Coverage

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Calls for Biden to Release Last of JFK Assassination Records

Spectrum News reports: To coincide with the 60th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, his nephew, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has launched a petition calling for the Biden administration to release the last of the government’s records related to the historic shooting. “What is so embarrassing that they’re afraid to show the American public 60 years later?” Kennedy Jr., who is running for president as an independent candidate, said in a statement Monday. In 1992, Congress passed the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act, which mandated that materials related to John F. Kennedy’s killing be housed in a single collection in the National Archives and Records Administration and that all records be publicly disclosed by 2017. The Biden administration has released more than 17,000 documents. On June 30, the president certified that federal agencies had made available “every single word that is appropriate for release under the standards of the Act.” Biden, however, agreed to continue withholding some information, saying it is “necessary to protect against identifiable harms to the military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, and the conduct of foreign relations that are of such gravity that they outweigh the public interest in disclosure.” Kennedy Jr. says releasing the full, unredacted records would help restore trust in the government. “In the spirit of transparency, in the spirit of democracy, we, the undersigned, call upon President Biden to obey the 1992 act and release the Kennedy assassination documents to the public,” the petition says. Read the full article here. If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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Nov 21, 2023

News Coverage

Are Black Voters Looking for an Alternative in 2024?

The Washington Post's Alexi McCammond joins MSNBC's "Morning Joe" to discuss Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s strength with Black voters, his complex effect on the 2024 presidential race, and President Biden's declining enthusiasm among voters of color.  If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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Nov 20, 2023

News Coverage

RFK Jr. Endorsed by Ex-Clinton Aide, Creator of "The Morning Show"

The Daily Beast reports: Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s run for office has attracted a bevy of media profiles and big-name endorsements from the likes of Aaron Rodgers, Robbie Williams, Joe Rogan, Woody Harrelson, Pierce Brosnan, and Alicia Silverstone. Add to that very Hollywood list of Kennedy 2024 supporters: Jay Carson, a former top Clinton staffer who created Apple’s The Morning Show. Carson became good friends with Kennedy through sobriety and believes he’s fit to be the next president. “I remain a full-time screenwriter, but I’m trying to do what I can to help Bobby win because I think our country needs a president who understands how deeply the system is broken, but who is also sane and competent enough to fix it,” he wrote in a statement to Confider. Carson has Democratic blue-blood credentials: He was formerly the communications director for the Clinton Foundation and then went on to serve as Hillary Clinton’s press secretary for her 2008 presidential campaign. “As someone who worked in government and politics for almost two decades, I’ve been most struck by how the Bobby I’ve been reading about and who is portrayed on TV doesn’t resemble the kind and honest and courageous person I've come to know,” Carson wrote to Confider. “I'd like to help bridge that gap so people know they have another choice on the ballot in November.” Read the full article here. If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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Nov 20, 2023

News Coverage

RFK Jr. Marks 60th Anniversary of JFK Assassination, Demands Biden Release All Files

The Messenger reports: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. released a statement honoring the upcoming 60th anniversary of his uncle John F. Kennedy's assassination, and called for release of the remaining classified assassination files. "John F. Kennedy’s assassination left an indelible scar upon the American psyche. Everyone who was alive at the time can remember where they were on that day," Kennedy Jr. wrote in a Monday statement ahead of the Wednesday anniversary. "My promise to the American people is that I will put us back on the road to peace that JFK led us toward when, shortly before his death, he issued a national security order to withdraw American advisers from Vietnam," he wrote. "We will instead take a path back toward peace and prosperity for our country." Kennedy Jr. also announced he is launching a petition to demand that Biden release all JFK assassination-related documents. Read the full article here. If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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Nov 20, 2023

News Coverage

Debates Set for Texas, Virginia and Utah as RFK Jr. Looks To Be First Independent on Stage in Three Decades

The New York Post reports: For the first time in more than three decades, an independent presidential candidate may take part in a general election debate. To qualify for the debate stage, candidates for president and vice president must have achieved at least 15% in national polling. With under 10 months to go until the first debate, environmental lawyer and anti-vaccine advocate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is averaging 16.7% in the latest RealClearPolitics aggregate. “We welcome the 15% threshold. We only want serious candidates vying for the highest office in the land,” Kennedy Jr.’s press secretary Stefanie Spear told The Post. “Mr. Kennedy will definitely be on the debate stage. Americans deserve transparency and a chance to see their candidates share their vision for the country.” Business magnate Ross Perot was the only third-party candidate in the modern era to make a general election debate, in 1992. However, it remains unclear whether the Republican and Democratic standard-bearers will participate. Both of the frontrunners — former President Donald Trump, 77, and President Biden, 81 — appear noncommittal to squaring off at the CPD-sponsored events. Read the full article here. If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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Nov 20, 2023

News Coverage

Democrats Need To Get Real About RFK Jr.’s Strength With Black Voters

Washington Post reports: "When White folks catch a cold, Black folks get pneumonia.” It’s a phrase I’ve heard my dad say many times, typically when fretting about finances or how the economy disadvantages people who look like us. A more literal manifestation of this idea turned up during the pandemic, when COVID-19 devastated Black communities at rates that are still hard to grasp today. It’s a concept that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who has become the face of a political movement defined by medical conspiracy theories, seems to understand. He received endless media coverage after telling a room of reporters at a dinner that the virus might have been “ethnically targeted” to “attack Caucasians and Black people.” And that’s the real way Kennedy will be a spoiler candidate to Joe Biden in 2024 — with Black folks. I know it’s the vibe to roll your eyes at polling and curse its very existence after 2016, but early numbers are striking. A staggering 28 percent of Black voters surveyed in a recent New York Times-Siena College poll would vote for Kennedy over Biden or Donald Trump if the election were held today. That’s more than double the 13 percent of Black voters who are backing Trump. That same survey found Biden is on track to make history as the first Democratic presidential candidate to get less than 80 percent of the Black vote since the civil rights era. Read the full opinion here. If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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Nov 19, 2023

News Coverage

Dana White Removes Pelotons From UFC Gym Over RFK Jr. Controversy

The Washington Examiner reports: UFC President Dana White promised to remove Peloton stationary bikes from his gym over its dispute with a comedian having Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on his podcast. Comedian Theo Von's podcast This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von was sponsored by Peloton through a Sept. 25 episode where the comedian, whose full name is Theodor Capitani von Kurnatowski, interviewed Kennedy. During their conversation, Kennedy details how he came to his controversial conclusions surrounding vaccines. At the time, Kennedy was running for the Democratic presidential nomination but has since switched to be an independent candidate. On Tuesday, Von had White on his podcast to discuss the fallout. Read the full article here.   If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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