Campaign Coverage

Oct 14, 2023

News Coverage

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Visits Augusta, Says He Will End Economic Downturn As President

The Augusta Chronicle reports: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. brought a populist, anti-corporate message to his Augusta stop on Saturday as he kicks off an independent run for president. The event at the Augusta Marriott was one in a series after Kennedy, the son of former Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of former President John F. Kennedy, dropped his bid to win the Democratic primary and instead decided to run as an independent earlier this month. A poll just prior to the announcement put him at 14% support. "We need to unwind this corrupt collusion between state and corporate power that is ... destroying our democracy and beggaring our middle class," he said towards the end of his roughly hour-long speech. Read the full article here.   If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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Oct 12, 2023

News Coverage

RFK, Jr. Campaigns In Orlando

Newly independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. campaigned in Orlando Thursday October 12, 2023.   If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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Oct 12, 2023

News Coverage

Freshly Minted Independent Presidential Candidate RFK, Jr. Hits Campaign Trail

The Tennessee Star reports: Fresh from declaring his independence from the Democratic Party, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is hitting the campaign trail as an independent candidate for president. But don’t look for the Kennedy family scion to be laser-focused on the usual early nominating states. As the Notre Dame of presidential candidates, RFK, Jr. no longer needs to play from the same political party campaign playbook. Still, his campaign manager said the Democrat-turned-independent believes Iowa and New Hampshire remain critical to the hopeful’s road to the White House. The environmental lawyer and son of slain U.S. Senator Bobby Kennedy announced on Monday in Philadelphia that he was leaving the party his father and uncle, President John F. Kennedy, helped lead through the turbulent 1960s. His campaign announced a busy schedule ahead for the candidate, with stops in Texas, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Arizona. Over the next week, Kennedy Jr. plans to climb the stump in Dallas, Miami, Orlando, Jacksonville, Savannah and Augusta in Georgia, and Charlotte and Asheville in North Carolina. The barrage of stops is billed as a “Declare Your Independence Celebration,” fitting, his supporters might say, for a vehement COVID-19 vaccine opponent who has earned the ire of establishment Democrats and Republicans. “The system runs on inertia, year after year, decade after decade. It’s like a runaway bus full of teenagers fighting about who should take the wheel, not realizing that the driver merely follows the GPS set by the crooked insiders and corporate lobbyists,” Kennedy Jr. said this week. Read the full article here.   If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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Oct 11, 2023

News Coverage

Newly Independent RFK, Jr. Vows To See Presidential Bid to the End at North Texas Stop

The Dallas Morning News reports: At his first campaign stop since announcing he would be running for president as an independent, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Wednesday vowed to see his long-shot bid to the end next November, saying he aims to “take votes away from both” the Democratic and Republican nominees in 2024. In a 50-minute speech at the Dallas College North Lake Campus, Kennedy, 69, railed against big business and the pharmaceutical industry and presented himself as a pragmatic alternative to President Joe Biden and the Republican frontrunner, former President Donald Trump. The country’s political leaders, Kennedy said, are not focused on issues affecting everyday Americans. He criticized decisions surrounding funding in Ukraine and the focus on “culture war” issues in the most recent Republican debate. Supporters who came to see Kennedy speak represented a wide range of the political spectrum. Jacquelyn Brown, 61, described herself as a moderate Republican, but said “both sides kind of lost me.” Brown, of Flower Mound, said she intended to vote for Kennedy in 2024 no matter how improbable his chances of attaining the presidency might seem. Read the full article here.   If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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Oct 09, 2023

News Coverage

Only An Independent President Can Free America From Corporate Capture

The Hill reports: Today in Philadelphia, the home of American independence, I announced myself as an independent candidate for president. My candidacy is not only about being independent from the two political parties. My goal is to make the federal government independent too — independent of the corporate and financial interests that have a merciless grip on our democracy. For decades, Republicans have railed against Big Government, and Democrats have complained about Big Business. Behind the scenes though, they have capitulated to both. The result is that we now face something much more dangerous: a combination of Big Government and Big Business.  As an independent candidate for president beholden to neither major party, my mission is to dissolve this corrupt merger of state and corporate power. A key feature of the state-corporate merger is the capture of federal agencies by industries they are supposed to regulate. This is why our nation’s most serious problems are never solved, but only seem to get worse.  Is it any wonder that our food is unwholesome, when pesticide companies and food conglomerates control the U.S. Department of Agriculture? Read the full article here.   If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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Oct 09, 2023

News Coverage

In Visit To The Border, RFK. Jr. Models a Leader Who Listens and Learns

Newsweek reports: When Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. came to my hometown of Yuma, Arizona, in early June, he said it took him about three days to really understand and process what he was seeing. He expected that the vast majority of migrants streaming across the border would be from Central America; instead, he discovered an uncontrolled flow of desperate people from all around the globe—including China, Russia, Ukraine, Iraq, Cancun, Azerbaijan, Bangla Desh, Ukraine, and a variety of African nations. I told him that the human trafficking operation run by the Mexican drug cartels has become so profitable that there had recently been more than 300 assassinations just 25 miles on the other side of the border in the fight for control of the booming trafficking business. Kennedy said that after coming to Yuma to get a grasp of the chaotic situation at the border, he came "to understand that the open border policy is just a way of funding a multi-billion dollar drug and human trafficking operation for the Mexican drug cartels." He also saw the devastating impact of the open border policy on the local community. Hospitals and social services are flooded with migrant-related emergencies that they have no capacity to serve local residents. Parents who no longer feel comfortable allowing their children to play outside because of fear of violence or kidnapping as local law enforcement is focused on the tsunami of indigent migrants. The continuing degradation of civil society with increases in crime, disorder, and homelessness, as well as an influx of the deadly fentanyl and methamphetamine from which the cartels profit, is apparent everywhere. Read the full opinion piece here.   If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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Oct 09, 2023

News Coverage

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Ends Democratic Presidential Bid, Launches Independent Campaign

NBC News reports: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. declared his “independence from the Democratic Party” Monday in Philadelphia, ending his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination and launching an independent bid that he said aims to heal the political divide, which he portrayed as a fiction of a corrupt establishment. “I intend to wrest the reins of power from both parties and give to it the American people,” he said, comparing Republicans and Democrats to teenagers fighting over the steering wheel of an out-of-control car, but both following a GPS programmed by lobbyists. “This hatred we have for each other is orchestrated,” Kennedy continued, while switching to a medieval metaphor. “My job... is to unify Americans. Then we’re all going to go over the castle walls together.” “There have been anti-establishment candidates before, but none of them who actually understand how to get the job done,” he said. “This time the independent is going to win.” Kennedy said the time is ripe, citing the growing portion of Americans who tell pollsters they’re fed up with both parties — a record 63% say Republicans and Democrats do “such a poor job” of representing America that “a third major party is needed,” according to a new Gallup survey. Read the full article here.   If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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Oct 06, 2023

News Coverage

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Joins UAW Picket Line in Flint

CBS News Detroit reports: Kennedy made several stops in the Flint area Friday, including an emotional meeting with the victims of the Flint water crisis. If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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Oct 06, 2023

News Coverage

Presidential Candidate RFK, Jr. Visits Flint-Area Picket Line

The Detroit News reports: Longshot presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. visited Michigan union workers picketing at a Flint-area General Motors plant Friday ahead of meetings with Flint water activists and a city official. Before joining workers near a bonfire in a metal barrel, Kennedy said he supports the wage demands of the union, which has sought a pay increase of 40% over the length of the new contracts with GM, Ford Motor Company and Stellantis. Workers should be able to afford the cars they make, Kennedy said. “That really ought to be the theme of every industry in the country," he said. "And that’s no longer true.” Friday’s trip to Flint wasn’t a first for Kennedy, a former senior attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Center. He said the lead contamination of Flint’s water and the mismanagement of the situation by the state, prosecutors and courts is “a recurring story.” “The people who got sacrificed were communities who drank the water and whose kids were hurt,” he said. Read the full article here. If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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Oct 05, 2023

News Coverage

RFK, Jr. Speaks to Restoring Critical Thinking, Finding Common Ground During Mississippi Visit

Epoch Times reports: At the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum on Oct. 2, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. spoke of the nation’s old wounds—and new—while addressing his determination to move the country forward if elected president. “Every nation, like every individual, has a darker side or a lighter sight, and the easiest thing for a politician to do is to appeal to our anger, to our greed, to our darker angels, to our self-interest,” Mr. Kennedy said. He recounted the 1968 presidential candidacy of his late father, then U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy, who sought to help communities transcend tribalism by pushing aside the temptation to advance at the cost of others. The polarization witnessed today—fueled by a fear that has hindered critical thinking—is not unlike what it was in the 60s when his father strived to speak not to the tribalism but to a shared vision of the nation as a community on a “noble adventure,” Mr. Kennedy said. “All of us have the ability to go either way; it’s part of our humanity,” he said. “What I’ve tried to do during this campaign is to find that middle ground that rests on the values that we all share in common rather than appealing to those narrow little issues that keep us all apart.” Read the full article here. If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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Sep 30, 2023

News Coverage

RFK, Jr. Teases Announcement Amid Third Party Bid Rumors

ABC News reports: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. teased an announcement on Friday that he said would create a "sea change in American politics" amid speculation that the Democratic candidate may leave the party. Kennedy previously refused to rule out an independent run for president in August.   Kennedy said in a video on Friday that voters were frustrated with Congress and the leadership of both political parties. "A lot of Americans who had previously given up any hope of real change would ever come through the American electoral process have begun to find new hope in my candidacy," Kennedy said in the video entitled 'Save the Date. Save the Country,' declining to provide any specifics. "I want to tell you now what I've come to understand after six months of campaigning: there is a path to victory. The hope we are feeling isn't some kind of trick in the mind." Kennedy's announcement is set for Monday, October 9, in Philadelphia. Read the full article here. If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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Sep 29, 2023

News Coverage

RFK, Jr. Teases ‘Major Announcement’ As Speculation Swirls About Independent Run

Fox News reports: Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is teasing a "major announcement," fueling speculation that he will be running as an independent.  "I'm going to be in Philadelphia on October 9 to make a major announcement at the very birthplace of our nation," Kennedy said in a video announcement released Friday.  "I'm not going to tell you right now exactly what that announcement will be. I can say, though, that if you've been waiting to come to one of my public events, this will be the one to come to," he teased. While the video stopped short of saying he would no longer be running as a Democrat, Kennedy did call out the "corruption" that has overtaken "the leadership of both political parties" in addition to the executive branch and Congress.  Read the full article here. If you resonate with this message please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

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