Independent Presidential Candidate RFK Jr. Qualified To Be on New Mexico Ballot

Albuquerque Journal reports:

Independent and minor party candidates were qualified to be on November's general election ballot by the state of New Mexico on Tuesday, including high-profile independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

The deadline for independent, minor party and write-in candidates to submit materials like nominating petitions was last week.

The Kennedy campaign said it submitted 11,202 signatures, more than the 3,561 signatures needed. New Mexico qualified Kennedy as a candidate, along with his running mate Nicole Shanahan. Kennedy is officially on the ballot in at least eight other states — California, Delaware, Hawaii, Michigan, Minnesota, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Utah — and has submitted signatures in at least 11 states.

"People in the Land of Enchantment support Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for his efforts to revitalize the middle class and empower our youth," said Aaron Diaz, the campaign's New Mexico director. "With an alternative to the two-party system, New Mexicans can now cast their ballots with confidence and hope for a promising new future."

Read the full article here.

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