RFK Jr. Tells The Detroit News: 'I'm the Only One Who Can Beat Trump'

In an interview with The Detroit News, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. explained how he is the only one who can beat former President Donald Trump, and had Democrats treated him with respect instead of trying to smother his presidential campaign, they wouldn't be panicking today about the collapse of Joe Biden's reelection bid.

"The Democratic National Committee did everything in its power to anoint President Biden for a second term, to make sure he wasn't challenged and to make sure he wasn't subjected to debates during the primary," Kennedy said in a phone interview. "He should have been forced to come out and debate. He should not have continued to hide in that basement, and everyone would have seen these deficiencies. Now they see President Biden is not a tenable candidate."

Instead of welcoming honest competition, Kennedy says, the party his family was instrumental in building tried to destroy his reputation and block his campaign with serial lawsuits.

The son of former Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of President John F. Kennedy, both assassinated in the 1960s, was hit with a barrage of allegations that, in his words, "made me sound like I was crazy."

"You know I have a brain worm?" Kennedy asks of the disease that contributed to past mental struggles. "How do you imagine that came out? It was in a 15-year-old deposition from my divorce. I had a parasite that affects 1.5 million people. And they made it to look like I'm an insane person.

"You can go through any one of these pejoratives, that I’m racist, that I’m anti-semitic, that I’m anti-vax. They take a little seed of the truth and distort it to make it look like I’m nuts."

The environmental lawyer notes he's won hundreds of cases against corporate polluters, written 15 books and has built national advocacy groups to protect the environment.

"Those aren't things you would be seeing from a crazy person," he says.

Read the full interview here


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