Hi Brooklyn Volunteers!
We, your Brooklyn Volunteer Coordinators, would like to meet you to get your input on how we plan to gather petition signatures from Brooklyn voters between April 16 and May 30 to get Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on the ballot for U.S. President.
We want to understand what neighborhoods our volunteers live in so that we can set up our system to make it as convenient as possible for everyone involved. We need to get everyone trained by April 16 so we can hit the ground running!
We have different types of volunteer roles and opportunities to fit everyone -- if you can volunteer as a petitioner and collect 5 to 10 signatures, it all moves us toward the New York State goal of 45,000 valid ballot petition signatures! 1000 volunteers collecting just 5 signatures each is 5,000 signatures!
Even if you cannot attend this event, we would appreciate your emailing us at Brooklyn4Kennedy with your name, neighborhood, when generally you are available either online or in person, and anything else you want us to know about your interest in volunteering.
We will hold other events too online and in person in multiple neighborhoods in Brooklyn, once we understand where you all are!
We planned this for 30 minutes but are happy to stay on if people have more questions.
Vanessa and Mac,
Brooklyn Volunteer Coordinators
This is a Supporter created event and is not associated with the RFK Jr. campaign. RFK Jr. will not be in attendance and any money collected is for the campaign.