




Voter Registration Deadline
The deadline to submit voter registration applications by mail is October 15, 2024. After this date, you must register in person. Maine allows same-day voter registration, so you can also register on Election Day at the polls.
Voter Registration Methods
in-person, by mail, or at a voter registartion drive.
you can also register on Election Day
Deadline to Request Absentee Ballot
Earliest Date to Request an Absentee Ballot August 5, 2024.
The last day to request an absentee ballot is October 31, 2024 at 5pm
Deadline to Change Voter Registration Address
Must be completed by October 15th
Due Date for Mail-in / Returning Absentee Ballot
Absentee ballots must be received by your municipal clerk no later than 8:00 PM on Election Day, November 5, 2024.
Early Voting Window / Locations
Early voting, known as in-person absentee voting, is available as soon as the ballots are avaiable. So as early as October 7th
ID Requirements
In-Person Reqs: No ID requirements as long as they are already a registered voter
Absentee Reqs: No ID requirements as long as they are already a registered voter
College Students Registration Info
College students are responsible for changing their address if they wish to or they can get an absentee ballot and vote from their parents residence.
Polling Hours
7am to 8pm
Address Required for Homeless Voters?
Homeless individuals have to be able to identify themselves at the polls. They can give the last 4 of their SSN (the physical card does not have to be resent) and under oath they will verify their residence. i.e, park, under this bridge, at the corner of main st, etc.
Voting While in Jail or Prison? If so, how can Voters Register and Cast Their Ballots?
Incarcerated individuals can register to vote using their home address or the address of the correctional facility.
They can request an absentee ballot from their local municipal clerk.
Once the absentee ballot is received, the incarcerated voter can fill it out and return it by mail. The ballot must be returned by 8:00 PM on Election Day, November 5, 2024.
Voting Recourses for Those Needing Assistance
Every voting place in Maine has an accessible voting booth. This can be for people with any type of disability. Even a self-proclaimed disability.
Voting While in the Hospital Recourses

You or your family should contact your local clerk as soon as possible to arrange this. Needs to fill out a Special Circumstances Ballot Request Form and family members or a third party can get that from the clerk's office and also return it to them.

Requesting Ballots in Another Language, Registering to Vote in Another Language
Maine only prints their ballots in English.
Voter Affiliation

Republican: 30%

Independent: 34%

Democrat: 36%