New Jersey





Voter Registration Deadline
All forms (online, by mail, in person): October 15, 2024
Voter Registration Methods
Online, by mail, in person
Deadline to Request Absentee Ballot
Requesting absentee ballot by mail: October 29. Can get it up to 3PM the day before election day by going to your county clerk.
Deadline to Change Voter Registration Address
21 days prior to election day
Due Date for Mail-in / Returning Absentee Ballot
November 11
Early Voting Window / Locations
October 26 to november 3, with a "special general election" from september 8 to 16.
ID Requirements
In-Person Reqs:
Absentee Reqs: for both, social security and date of birth
College Students Registration Info
exact same as applying to vote as a non-student, with the exception that you can vote with either your college or your parents address.
Polling Hours
6am to 8pm
Address Required for Homeless Voters?
they can use either their homeless shelter address, or mention the address of a park or street corner, in lieu of a home address.
Voting While in Jail or Prison? If so, how can Voters Register and Cast Their Ballots?
you cannot vote while in prison
Voting Recourses for Those Needing Assistance
you can vote with a service animal, or with a assistant. get special accomidations with seating or get moved up in line. you can have people retrieve your ballot for you, and have a family member assist you in voting.
Voting While in the Hospital Recourses

The hospital must give them a mail in ballot if requested

Requesting Ballots in Another Language, Registering to Vote in Another Language
Any county with at least 10% of voters speaking primarily spanish must have bilingual ballots
Voter Affiliation

Republican: 24%

Independent: 38%

Democrat: 38%