Why We Need Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Now

Idaho Mountain Express reports:

As a populist, outside the beltway mindset, Kennedy appeals to a large portion of the Trump support base, which has a deep-rooted mistrust of the “swamp.” I think he can solidly defeat Trump. However, if Biden nabs the Democratic nomination, we will be looking at another four years of Donald, as the majority of Americans will struggle to back Biden.

Kennedy has been unfairly labeled by the mainstream press as an anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist. These labels, when looked at closely, hold no water. His opinions are solidly backed by science, and he has openly challenged anyone to publicly debate him on all of his stances. He has fought for free speech and open debate, both of which have been rapidly repressed in recent years. Seeing these as the cornerstones of a true democracy he embraces any challenger to a fair and open debate on all topics. I urge all Democrats to skip over the negative labels the mainstream press heaves on him and listen to what he has to say and the studies he has to back his opinions. This may take some digging as the press insists on keeping his campaign out of the mainstream media.

Read the full article here.

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